LED Skateboard
Foldable Skateboard
Glass Skateboard
Soularc Skateboard
Carbon Fiber Longboard
ObliqO Skateboard
Pumgo Skateboard
IPSVM Skateboard
Corbus Skateboards
Awesome illuminated skateboard with incorporated LED lights.
Foldable Skateboard
Interesting skateboard deck concept designed by Jin-Seok Hwan.
Glass Skateboard
Transparent skateboard by Dan Carbone. Photo by San Suzie.
Soularc Skateboard
Maple deck provides a stable riding surface while the spring underneath creates the fluid feel.
Carbon Fiber Longboard
Downhill longboard made by Louis Bradier out of carbon fibber.
ObliqO Skateboard
Snakeboard combined with a pair of hubless wheels.
Pumgo Skateboard
When the rider shifts weight back-and-forth, pumping action generates the deck’s seesaw movement and propels the board forward.
IPSVM Skateboard
Beautiful and unique skateboard designed by Loren Kulesus.
Due to the larger wheels, Dirtsurfers are exceptionally easy to ride. In fact, unlike a skateboard, the faster you go, the more stable they become.
The arced axles offer fluid transitions edge-to-edge and let you carve to 45 degree angles with no resistance.
Corbus Skateboards
One-of-a-kind modern skateboards handcrafted out of aluminum.